Realizing the importance of promoting culture as the instrument of soft power and also the limited efforts to promote Indonesian cultural activities in Singapore, the Indonesian government established Rumah Budaya Indonesia (RBI) in 10 countries that serves as Indonesian cultural center abroad function as Culture Learning, Culture Expression and also Advocacy and promotion. Singapore is one of the targets for the establishment of the RBI due to both countries have been conducting relationship for a long time and also has several cooperation in may sectors including socio-culture. This study uses the concept of soft power in the form of public diplomacy that using culture as the main instrument in doing a promotion or what is known as Cultural Diplomacy. The results of this study found that Indonesian government conducting several cultural activities through the RBI such as Gelar Budaya (GAYA), Indonesian Cultural Night (ICN), and also Indonesian speech competitions which also contribute to the increasing number of Singaporean visits to Indonesia, cultural cooperation and Singapore's involvement in visa-free policies in Indonesia.