dc.description.abstract |
This case study research purpose to find out the organizational communication approach of the
PPIC Department at Perum Peruri in maintaining the flow of confidential information as well as
their barrier. The research used descriptive qualitative strategies to present the meaning and
interpretation of each research experience in data collection by inductive and descriptive analysis.
Based on the characteristic findings of the communication process elements, identification of
aspects of the organizational management approach carried out by the PPIC Department in
maintaining confidential information leads to the "Classical Management Approach - Human
Relations". These mixed model approach occurs because of the most important route for
communication is the vertical flow of information along the scalar chain of the organizational
hierarchy thus to separate the authority settings of confidential data and the level of limited
information knowledge (classical management approach), combine by a social approach through
interpersonal communication to build understanding and commitment of members in maintaining
security (relationship management human). Results of comparative interviews by cross-checking
documents and observations, the current approach has not fulfilled sufficient corporate
governance internalization for some levels of employees (cognitive), causing employees to often
be hesitant of making decisions (affective), thus it depends on superior knowledge instead the
exclusion of problems becomes common habits (psychomotor). Researcher assume that this classic
human-relations approach tends to be counterproductive and not enough to accommodate the
company's goal to survive in the distortion age. Researcher’s opinion, the communication for
security still require an innovation, so we need a communication breakthrough to motivate as well
as encourages employee involvement actively. Companies need to provide space for participation
and facilities for employees by including their pretension in the organizational framework.
Therefore, the communication content is not only related to the task, but also related to problem
solving discussions at work. |
en_US |