This research was conducted to find out what factors that encourage customers in making purchasing decision of iPhone 4S at iBox Emporium Mall Pluit Jakarta. In this research, researcher used three independent variables, product quality, price and packaging. According to this research result, there are influence from product quality, price and packaging variables toward to purchasing decision of iPhone 4S at iBox Emporium Mall Pluit. The multiple regression equation can be concluded as: Y = 0.472X1 + 0.561X2 - 0.412X3 If each variable attribute increases 100%, product quality variable will distribute 0.472 points, price variable will distribute 0.561 points and packaging variable will distribute -0.412 points. The F value for this research is 8.586 with significance value 0.000. The level of significance for this research is 95% or 0.05. Because the value is 0.000 and it is less than 0.05, it means reject H0 and accept Ha or in the other words there are influence from product quality, price and packaging toward purchasing decision of iPhone 4S.The T test shows that product quality (X1) is 0.041, price (X2) is 0.002 and packaging (X3) is 0.065. Packaging value is 0.065 and it is more than 0.05 it means packaging variable is not significance toward purchasing decision in giving contribution. The R value is 0.680 it means there is a strong relation between independent variables with dependent variable. The adjusted R square is 0.408 it means 40.8% customer purchasing decision can be explained by these variables and 59.2% is described by another factor that not discussed in this research.