Modern retail business continues to expand in Indonesia is a very promising market. Start from
middle-low class retail store until middle-high class retail store. The focus of the skripsi is about
influences of Store Atmosphere to Consumers’ Re-Purchasing Intention in Naga Pasar Swalayan
Jatiwaringin. In this research, the data were collected are primary data, collected through
questionnaires from as many as 128 Naga Pasar Swalayan consumers, using direct personal
investigation method. The questionnaire is using Likert Scale as its tools to measure the degree
of agreement from the respondents. The data are processed through quantitative analysis.
Quantitative analysis include validity and reliability test, classic assumption test and multiple
regression analysis to conduct the hypothesis testing through F-test, t-test and coefficient of
determination (R²). Results of the analysis found that 2 Store Atmosphere variables being
measured in this research have significant influence towards Re-Purchasing Intention, that is
Store Layout (X1) and Interior Display (X2).