2019: Recent submissions

  • Fadhil, Muhammad (President University, 2019)
    The growth of the technology is unavoidable and this will affect the cost of the hardware of the network laboratory. A virtual network laboratory can be an alternative solution to solve the above problem. Thus in this ...
  • Farial, Muhammad Devin (President University, 2019)
    Language is very important in having a good communication among people for their social activity. The use of bad word in communication may cause not only bad understanding, but also may affect manner of people, especially ...
  • Akbari, Muhammad Daffa (President University, 2019)
    The rapid growth of technology has brought the basic needs of human to become easier to be fulfilled. Moreover, in this globalization era, the use of Smartphone and Internet of Things (IOT) has become common things in ...
  • Azrin, Lalu Muhammad Aryandi (President University, 2019)
    The Internet is evolving with immense speed. When accessing the internet, there must be a security protocol in every devices. Network security is an important aspect that consists of the protocols derived by the network ...
  • Sulistio, Kevin (President University, 2019)
    Car is one of the most used public transportation nowadays. People use it to support their daily activities. Due to availability and comfort factor, the number of car uses continues to increase from year to year. This ...
  • Sandjaya, Jonathan Surya (President University, 2019)
    Steganography Application is an application that conceal or embed important data in form of text file into an image which possible to reduce and erase the existence of the data. A modern steganography can help millions ...
  • Tavaria, Haikal Achresa (President University, 2019)
    Freelancing is a great way to earn extra income for the younger generation. However, starting a career as a freelancer is a tough thing to do, especially when the freelancer has no experience yet. Therefore, this research ...
  • Sari, Fira Deviana (President University, 2019)
    Nowadays, technology plays an important role in people’s life. It is used in all different fields, expected to continue improving over time and make daily tasks easier to perform. One of the most popular technology that ...
  • Ammar, Farras (President University, 2019)
    A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip. ...
  • Phramoedya, Enda (President University, 2019)
    Machinery safety is the most important aspect needed around manufacturing or other engineering equipment. Machine guarding provides a means to protect humans from injury while working nearby or while operating equipment. ...
  • Tarigan, Deri Eliezer (President University, 2019)
    In this era, technology take a big part of our life. Everything is getting easier and more efficient. This application doing so many things online, such as; shopping, ordering food and checking location with online. Mobile ...
  • Rengkung, Bryan Johanes (President University, 2019)
    The Art Gallery Problem is a computational geometric problem that asks the minimum number of guards needed to cover the interior of a polygon that represents a room. Over the years, mathematicians and computer scientists ...
  • As'Sidiq, Arfan (President University, 2019)
    Almost all univerities divide their Information Technology freshman into classes randomly or based on student score, either their score during the selection test held by the university or National Examination score. ...
  • Widya, Annisa Feryannie (President University, 2019)
    In the era of digital transformation, classroom is no longer the only place to learn anymore. A lot of children are more likely to have and use mobile phone lately. Thus, mobile phone can be used to replace the traditional ...
  • Revanda, Teuku Hilman (President University, 2019)
    Obtaining data from electricity meters owned by PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is required on a routine basis. This activity is mostly compiled manually by sending staff to customer premises. So, that time spending ...
  • Husny, T. Ikhsan Ansyari (President University, 2019)
    A microcontroller is a computer chip that can be programmed to perform functions as a controller system. One of the uses of the microcontroller is as a monitoring system to detect the capacity of the number of people in a ...
  • Ramdhani, Tedy Kurnia (President University, 2019)
    Urban Village is one of vital aspect on society. Maintaining the growth of the area, infrastructure and public service facilities, development of community institution, improve the stabilization of the people on the area, ...
  • Nataniel, Rendy Joshua (President University, 2019)
    Internet of Thing (IoT) is a network of physical object that contain of embedded technology for doing some communication or interaction with the internal states or external environment. The world’s now is entering the new ...
  • Martin, Rahmad (President University, 2019)
    Autonomous robots are devices programmed to perform tasks with little to no human intervention or interaction. They can vary significantly in size, functionality, mobility, dexterity, intelligence, and cost—from robotic ...
  • Ginting, Predrika Br (President University, 2019)
    In general, students spend several hours in the library in a week with different kind of purposes such as for exploring study research, finding class materials and references, doing school task, reading news, or reading ...

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